User from GFY tries to take down file hosts. Not with a DMCA, but...

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Those are fake videos with CP porn names uploaded by themselves.5mb video?Great!!!
If those vids are real i wonder what kind of people are searching for such titles.:facepalm: And who should be taken down or busted...?
People do upload this content, i found one post posted somewhere it shouldn't have been once by accident & googling his username is was all he done 24/7.

I reported about 500 of his links to filehosts and they were being re-uploaded faster than they were reported so reported to the FBI & they didn't seem to do anything.
So i hacked his web hosting and deleted his own site, accessed his file host accounts and deleted files and accessed his twitter account and posted his postal address.

I would guess all this content is back but i dont want to even look as it makes me sick
those god damn assholes want to clean their own content from filehosts, but they forget that Uploaders are mostly crackers, some guys already cracked those asshole's site's members' passwords and gonna publish it soon at GFY forums. They will see
I don't think their sales will go up hugely if they destroy filehosts. They are completely wrong and they are doing everything just because they are angry. I fully understand them, I wouldn't like to see anyone who steals my work, but the way they work they won't manage what they want - more sales on their sites. There will not be more sales. Someone should find a solution, a compromise. Otherwise, every part of this battle will suffer.
I hope they will die slowly from cancer.

Just inglorious people, nothing more.Governments should find them & execute them immediately.
Who the uploaders. file hosts, or the people who actually post CP, which of these should die slowly of cancer.

I would hope you are not talking about people protecting their own real works.

You would not wish that on a member of your family for protecting your kin against robbers would you?
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Who the uploaders. file hosts, or the people who actually post CP, which of these should die slowly of cancer.

I would hope you are not talking about people protector their own real works.

You would not wish that on a member of your family for protecting your kin against robbers would you?

Big deal ,

Case 1 : they would earn 10 million USD without Piracy = Only they are earning.

Case 2 : Now they earn 5 million USD with Piracy = Everyone is earning (Global Happiness)
Why should anyone other then the creators and performers earn from it?

If you are earning from others work without their consent or permission you are a thief, a common criminal. What is the punishment for stealing where you live? It does not matter what you are stealing you are still stealing.

How are you less of a thief then someone that takes any other property that they do not own?
Cynicism & Hypocrisy in action... Anyways, regardless of what people think about the ethics of piracy, I'm surprised so many people seem to condone profiteering from piracy, and helps promoting file hosts and other "gray area" business models. You made my day, Sir.
If your post was leaning towards anti-piracy, then I'm genuinely surprised to see '', a warez site, in your list of websites on your profile display to the left of your post.
Here we go, finger pointing and witch hunting has started LOL

And of course, I'm genuinely glad you came here; It just indicates that my reply was absolutely required despite on predicted reaction. And BTW, for your information, a 'warez site' in my profile, nor a famous two words on my T-shirt don't reflect my affiliation with them.
You are not comparing apples with apples; two words on your t-shirt and a warez site in your profile are different. You'd be pretty damn stupid to try and compare those two and think you can actually get away with the smartass attitude lol.

In any case, I'm not pointing fingers. All I did was make an observation that if you're going to claim hypocrisy and cynicism, maybe take the time to ensure you're not part of it. Beyond that, as you were. It's perfectly fine. Having been on this forum for quite a while, I've seen a lot of people like you trying to smart their way through discussions but quite obviously failing; turning around afterwards only to fail harder.
Don't try to oversmart yourself, it's obviously not working for you. I saw this many times.

The postman is only innocent if he's unaware of the illicit materials he's transporting. If he knows he's ferrying illicit materials, profits from it and encourages people on his route to give him illicit materials then he's no longer an innocent postman but a criminal. Could that sentence somehow be connected to the WJ forum, Lifetalk?
FYI 'oversmart' is not a valid english word, ironic coming from a person who is claiming that another person is not succeeding at appearing to be smart.

What to learn from this post?
- Smart people don't need to try to appear smart, they are smart.
- Don't pick fights with people on forums
- Don't attempt to sound smart and use words which don't exist.
- Don't expect me to read any responses to this post, I have no interest what so ever in such replies

Have a good day and stay on topic.

I love what GFY is doing, may clean out the filehosting niche a bit.
Thank you for the wise resolution of the situation.

N.B. don't touch my cavemen language. It's mine. lol
P.S. nice signature you have. double lol

Have a great day :)
Don't try to oversmart yourself, it's obviously not working for you. I saw this many times.

The postman is only innocent if he's unaware of the illicit materials he's transporting. If he knows he's ferrying illicit materials, profits from it and encourages people on his route to give him illicit materials then he's no longer an innocent postman but a criminal. Could that sentence somehow be connected to the WJ forum, Lifetalk?

Read what JmZ wrote. Do that first.

Then, go back and read my reply. Once you've done that, read what you wrote in reply to it. Irrelevant much?

You might need to read my post a few times to actually comprehend it.
Even if they do manage to shut down processing for filelockers, the adult business will not magically increase their sales and conversions. Their heads are in the clouds if they think that. Filesharing is here to stay. If they put their content online, expect it to be copied, and shared everywhere. That's just how it is these days. IMHO the OP of that link at GFY is the one who uploaded files with names of CP, and all the other webmasters there who havent had a sale or a conversion for AFF in a while have all uploaded those files.. If you look at the screenshots there are files with every single word associated with CP.. that's some funny shit..

Just sayin
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