FileServe - Make Money - Up to $25 per 1000 downloads (Official thread)

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my user name is : reza931139
I read the first page, but i don't understand where is the problem.
and my acount is blocked...

My account is used only by me.

thanks a lot
Well Ricky, sorry but, if you don't pay for remote uploaded files why don't remove that function. It's not fair for people that have lost time to upload(remote) it and share it and getting downloads, but, that's just my opinion. As for me i always use web uploader.

I don't understand this. I don't have any RDP . & my Internet connection is slow. SO Remote upload is only the way of my upload. If I upload on Fileserve via remote upload form other host or rapid leech . That mean I will not get paid for those files? :(
@ MSL6600: No. It does not.

If you spread your links from your accounts to people who downloads them, you get paid - I.e. you share files on Facebook and your 1000 friends download them - You get paid.

Where you won't get paid is if you send files from FS => X-host. That's the only difference. Got more questions?
Hi Ricky,for about 2 weeks I didn't download anything, today I tried to login, and got message: Your account has been disabled due to violations of our Terms and Conditions.

Download files at home and at work from my computer, like my tablet, etc.
I want my account or my money :'(

My username is daniby

Daily How many IPs allowed? becz i have PC in my home, office and sometime i will goto internet cafe.. btw my ISP giving dynamic IP only...
Hi Ricky, i wish to know, if any problem with my premium account be banned if i use in a remote desktop. and my home pc the same day.
error 612 help please

Hi Ricky Fs,
why do not you answer me?
Maybe I did something wrong, my English is not perfect,
I use a translator.
Can you help me? I had already written on this forum on December 9 ....
I do not know if this is the right section.

my username is mastermind555
My IP address is 109,234,137,188.
Premium Continues To Be My accaunt blocked,
Error 612 please
If you spread your links from your accounts to people who downloads them, you get paid - I.e. you share files on Facebook and your 1000 friends download them - You get paid.

Where you won't get paid is if you send files from FS => X-host. That's the only difference. Got more questions?

Thanks Ricky. I understand it now. :)
@ satFS: Read Page 1.

@ leito: No.

@ reza931139: Repetitive "replies" on here will be ignored if you do not stop.

@ mastermind555: Read Page 1.
error 612 help please

Hi Ricky I think you want to know my ip address.
On site came out this issue:
7 4 1 2 3 .. 5 8. 8 6

I hope it's enough!
please help me
as I already said I do not understand English.
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