Warez Vs Porn

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I know couple of people who are warez uploaders. They freak out when they are told about Porn sharing. They consider watching and sharing porn is sin but warez is not sin. I know a leading hacker, who hacks paypal and other financial instruments. When I ask him if he can do that for Porn sites. He started preaching about God. So stealing from other people's paypal is not a sin but Porn is sin and will lead you to hell ? All of these who consider Porn as sin are mostly Pakistani and someone of them are Indians and are from a particular religion. What do you feel, Porn sharing is bad?
Love porn and hope to return by firce on this domain because i get a mastercard international whichbi cannuse to redeem from any host
Just suggest me sites where to post Porn
Personally I think porn is boring and fake, but I can understand there are people loving it. And it's OK for people, if they respect the laws of their country, to share it and make money with it.
my own personal opinion is that some consider porn a sin because it breaks more morale ground than stealing, although stealing is still stealing, some consider porn to be above stealing as with shades of black there's grey. porn can be addictive and destructive to a peaceful mind. feel the burn when you yearn for porn. as some might go out of their way to get their "porn" fix. I'm not saying that stealing is good, I'm just pointing out that when it comes to shades of black, some consider "porn" to be a darker grey than "stealing".

anyway why not try refraining from porn for a couple of weeks and feel the "burn" and "disruption" in your daily life. now if you were to compare it with someone that has no urges for watching porn. see any different? try it yourself as when you see the difference you "know", and not "believe".

hope my 2 cents help.
Many followers of Islam consider posting porn is a sin, but posting warez is not a sin. Though, stealing and piracy is involved in both porn posting and warez posting. Also the hacking other Paypal and cards is not a sin for them but porn is a sin.
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