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VOE™ Video-Hosting:
Next Level Video Hosting: Superfast, well paid & reliable. :rocket:

Hello everyone :wave:

We would like to introduce you VOE.SX, a high performance video hosting cloud & Content Delivery Network (CDN). Below you will find our amazing conditions & all important information.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask them or write to us.

VOE AFFILIATE CONDITIONS - up to $35/10.000 Views :moneybag:
+ You can find the high rates here: voe.sx/earn-money
+ The minimum withdrawal amount is $10.00.
+ Payments are made every week or even faster. (mostly 24-48 hours)
+ The specified conditions are credited per 10,000 views.
+ Automatic programs to block advertising or VPN/Proxy/Tor traffic will not be rewarded.
+ 2 visits per unique IP-Address/user per 24 hours are counted.
+ Embeds / direct links are compensated equally.
+ The file must be seen at least 30 seconds and must be at least one minute long.
+ In case of abuse, fraud, or similar offenses we take the right to deactivate your account.

+ Powerful fast streaming & encoding!
+ Account Storage Space: starting at 3TB (depends on the traffic/views)
+ Storage time: 60-120 days without a view
+ Direct MP4 playback / background encoding
+ In-house development, no unstable xVideoSharing script!
+ Over 30+ player/account configuration options
+ 25 GB max file size
+ 1000+ supported remote upload websites
+ Comfortable Payout methods: Bitcoin, Perfect Money, Advcash, Litecoin, Payeer, Payoneer & Paypal
+ Smart Enterprise DDoS-Protection :shield:
+ Premium Player - it’s another level
+ Fully automatic highload balancing, for the fastest delivery!

VOE HELP / REQUEST :grey_question:
We are constantly developing the site further. So if something is missing, a problem has occurred or you have found a bug: contact us. This is the only way we can correct errors. We are always interested in satisfying our customers and users as much as possible. :$

✅ ZOOM Uploader supported
✅ ThemaCreator supported
✅ FTP/File/Remote/Clone Upload

  • Filemanager & Video Direct Link Example :round_pushpin:
    VOE Hosting Provider Test MP4 Streaming Video File
  • Statistic Dashboard
VOE LEGAL & POLICY :bookmark_tabs:
By using VOE you accept our TOS (voe.sx/tos), Privacy Policy (voe.sx/privacy) & Copyright Policy (voe.sx/copyright). DMCA requests are processed automatically. All of our logos are protected by copyright. Local laws and regulations apply.

We are at your disposal: For further questions or feedback please contact us here, via our contact form (voe.sx/contact) or email: contact(at)voe.sx. We will contact you as soon as possible. Please use our services only if you can provide high-quality traffic.

You can register here: voe.sx/sign-up & Thank you very much for your time. :ok_hand:
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:) Has been executed. So far there have only been 2-3 Paypal requests, we usually wait a bit until there are more (different from the other payment methods). We have executed most payouts today, which we often do at the beginning of the week.
Anyone else getting low upload bit rate speed?
:thinking:There has already been a request for this in the last 1-2 weeks. In my tests I always had 24mb/s which should be sufficient. I have deactivated a few old servers for the upload, which will be removed in 2 weeks anyway, maybe it runs better now.
:thinking:There has already been a request for this in the last 1-2 weeks. In my tests I always had 24mb/s which should be sufficient. I have deactivated a few old servers for the upload, which will be removed in 2 weeks anyway, maybe it runs better now.
Yeah I saw someone ask about the upload speeds a week or so back but I wasn't having am issue then. Everything was fine until a day or two ago where I was maxing out at 18mb/s per upload no matter what file I used. My usual max speed is 24mb/s as well. I'm not trying to cause any waves, I was just curious if I was the only one experiencing this. Thanks for the reply.
Yeah I saw someone ask about the upload speeds a week or so back but I wasn't having am issue then. Everything was fine until a day or two ago where I was maxing out at 18mb/s per upload no matter what file I used. My usual max speed is 24mb/s as well. I'm not trying to cause any waves, I was just curious if I was the only one experiencing this. Thanks for the reply.
:) Yes, always something better to report once more than too little. Sometimes you do not get something so, although a troubleshooting & fix is possible quickly.

That the upload rate itself fluctuates is relatively normal. We have many servers, so it can happen that different speeds are reached. :chart_with_upwards_trend:
For months now, the statistics show that 50% of the views are addblock,VPN/Proxy on the same page every day, which means that 50% of the views should always be unpaid
every time they happen to enter statistics about 50% and they always use adblock or vpn,proxy
please stop stealing and don't be greedy
For months now, the statistics show that 50% of the views are addblock,VPN/Proxy on the same page every day, which means that 50% of the views should always be unpaid
every time they happen to enter statistics about 50% and they always use adblock or vpn,proxy
please stop stealing and don't be greedy
Thanks for your feedback. Can you send me your username once so I can check?

Regarding the statistics in general: we are currently revising the system, which is why there are strong fluctuations, because the data is recorded differently and more. A note about this is stored in the statistics, but this should only concern the last weeks. The revenue distribution system has not been changed for months. I just updated some background data for Greece again, but that should only change a few percent.

We don't have a 50% rule or anything like that, the adblock rate depends heavily on the target country. Normally 30% adblock rate is standard. According to Statistica (01-2022) the average global adblocking rate is 37%, with a high in Greece of 42%.
For months now, the statistics show that 50% of the views are addblock,VPN/Proxy on the same page every day, which means that 50% of the views should always be unpaid
every time they happen to enter statistics about 50% and they always use adblock or vpn,proxy
please stop stealing and don't be greedy

you are absolutely right!

I tried yesterday with 3 unique ip addresses, it counted 2 adblocks!

and I have never used these ip addresses for voe or elsewhere.

I tried it in another video hosting service, it counted 3 views and gave a profit!

I watched every video for at least 15 minutes, and you showed me tons of ads and counted 0 paid 2 adblocks, you're so funny @VOE.
you are absolutely right!

I tried yesterday with 3 unique ip addresses, it counted 2 adblocks!

and I have never used these ip addresses for voe or elsewhere.

I tried it in another video hosting service, it counted 3 views and gave a profit!

I watched every video for at least 15 minutes, and you showed me tons of ads and counted 0 paid 2 adblocks, you're so funny @VOE.
We use the Google IMA SDK (https://developers.google.com/interactive-media-ads/docs/sdks/html5/client-side) and the Twitter ads library to detect the Adblock views. If the library is loaded and initiated by google and we can access it, it is a normal access. If this is not the case, the view is recognized as Adblock and noted as "AdBlock" in the statistics. There should actually be no errors in the detection of "Adblock Views". I have just tested 2 videos, each with and without Adblock in Chrome and Firefox and both were successfully detected. We can of course check this again in detail when the new statistics are online. I just made a small adjustment, but it shouldn't have anything to do with detection.

IP-Address Data
Not relevant for the Adblock category, since that has nothing to do with it, it's more about general detection. IP-Addresses: Have you checked them against ipinfo.io and did they have vpn/tor/proxy/relay and hosting = false there? Does your Internet connection have IPv6 and use shared IPv4 address? Were the IPv4 addresses used by other provider users within the last 24h or 5 days?

We have not changed anything in the advertising itself for over 1 year. It consists of the formats Popunder and Social Bar/In-Page-Push with currently max. 3 Popunder and 2 Social Bar insertions, more after 1 minute on click. However, the advertising area will be adjusted shortly as we change over the system more flexibly.
We use the Google IMA SDK (https://developers.google.com/interactive-media-ads/docs/sdks/html5/client-side) and the Twitter ads library to detect the Adblock views. If the library is loaded and initiated by google and we can access it, it is a normal access. If this is not the case, the view is recognized as Adblock and noted as "AdBlock" in the statistics. There should actually be no errors in the detection of "Adblock Views". I have just tested 2 videos, each with and without Adblock in Chrome and Firefox and both were successfully detected. We can of course check this again in detail when the new statistics are online. I just made a small adjustment, but it shouldn't have anything to do with detection.

IP-Address Data
Not relevant for the Adblock category, since that has nothing to do with it, it's more about general detection. IP-Addresses: Have you checked them against ipinfo.io and did they have vpn/tor/proxy/relay and hosting = false there? Does your Internet connection have IPv6 and use shared IPv4 address? Were the IPv4 addresses used by other provider users within the last 24h or 5 days?

We have not changed anything in the advertising itself for over 1 year. It consists of the formats Popunder and Social Bar/In-Page-Push with currently max. 3 Popunder and 2 Social Bar insertions, more after 1 minute on click. However, the advertising area will be adjusted shortly as we change over the system more flexibly.
what are you talking about mate? What does adblock look for in the iphone 13 pro max safari browser?
I also used mobile data, not wifi.

Fix your system instead of answering like a book author.
what are you talking about mate? What does adblock look for in the iphone 13 pro max safari browser?
I also used mobile data, not wifi.

Fix your system instead of answering like a book author.
:upside_down:Well, you claimed the Adblock detection was faulty and tried it with 3 unique ip address requests detected as adblock. First of all, one has nothing to do with the other.

Then I sent details, stats and data about it, how it works and try to figure out what should be defective there and to convey that the whole is not a play button that you click once. So that I understand where exactly with which device how the access that was not properly detected / detected faulty as adblock and that my tests worked.

Adblock views are only a part of the views, but there are also vpn/proxy/datacenter/unqualified and paid views. That's why the info about the IPs etc.

"mobile data" is not "unique ip addresses" When it comes to the ratio of views to paid views: ISPs use 1 IP address for tens of thousands of customers. It is likely that another user has already used the public IP.

That's why the info + questions to understand the situation.

Now I know you use an iPhone+Safari and we can investigate this further...

Thanks for your help.
fix tha boys or bye bye
55% of my view is unpaid every f*cking day!
Thanks for your username, I looked it up once.:)

From your views from yesterday, 42% are paid, 20% have an adblocking software (not 50), 3% are VPN/Server traffic and 35% are not eligible because the video was not watched long enough, the IP address has seen more than 2 remunerated videos in the last 24 hours or the video was only opened for checking automatically.

Why the 35% is so high for you? Simply, your views come from a shared domain where 23 other VOE accounts have received views in the last 48 hours and your account only receives about 15% of the full website traffic. With so much shared traffic, the quality drops and not every view can be paid for. That's the case with all services, we may be a little more transparent by not concealing these figures, but that doesn't change the situation.
Thanks for your username, I looked it up once.:)

From your views from yesterday, 42% are paid, 20% have an adblocking software (not 50), 3% are VPN/Server traffic and 35% are not eligible because the video was not watched long enough, the IP address has seen more than 2 remunerated videos in the last 24 hours or the video was only opened for checking automatically.

Why the 35% is so high for you? Simply, your views come from a shared domain where 23 other VOE accounts have received views in the last 48 hours and your account only receives about 15% of the full website traffic. With so much shared traffic, the quality drops and not every view can be paid for. That's the case with all services, we may be a little more transparent by not concealing these figures, but that doesn't change the situation.
Why don't you admit that there is a problem with your system?

It would be better to check your system instead of giving long answers all the time!
Why don't you admit that there is a problem with your system?

It would be better to check your system instead of giving long answers all the time!
There is no problem, we have checked. Views are processed as received. :ballot_box_with_check:

And as a result of the check & analysis I posted his % values and described the whole thing with explanations.
hi sir

Why don't you take care of yourself while everyone else is complaining about views and earnings?

People expect you to fix things, not 1 person, not 2 people, but many people.

If so many people are reporting problems, why don't you still want to believe it's your fault?

fix tha boys or bye bye
55% of my view is unpaid every f*cking day!

Why don't you admit that there is a problem with your system?

It would be better to check your system instead of giving long answers all the time!

hi sir

Why don't you take care of yourself while everyone else is complaining about views and earnings?

People expect you to fix things, not 1 person, not 2 people, but many people.

If so many people are reporting problems, why don't you still want to believe it's your fault?


if you are all too dumb to understand the technical background then you should look for another job with your meager intellect
Well, if 2-3 users complain about it, that says nothing about the majority of our customers who are satisfied. That's why this thread is always so quiet here. We have no other accounts here. :)

I have gone into all the points here, carried out checks and explained the results in detail, also pointing out that more data is currently being collected for an upcoming account update. You can't really offer more transparency than that. Whoever doesn't understand this (...), I can't help either... :dart:

If anyone has any further questions about their account, please feel free to contact us. 💌