Do you mind giving me your MTN file? Hopefully your's works...Yes i have gotten it work but on centos
I see that everybody is selling mtn (free script) :-?.
So, i made a nice php GUI for mtn.
This should work on any host if you have exec() function enabled.
Download (New Link):
How to install
1. Upload all files to a new folder
2. CHMOD mtn to 777
3. Open config.php and add your folders on $config['dirs']=array("/home/folder1","/home/folder2"); full path /home/username/Domainname/Directory
4. Open config.php and write the full path to the font file $config['mtn']['f']='/home/....../tahomabd.ttf'; full path /home/username/Domainname/Directory/tahomabd.ttf
5. Open config.php and edit the settings. Info on how to use the settings
I think mtn is working on folders too.
-support for spaces and quotes in filenames added
-use # if you want to activate a setting or just enter a value if the setting ask for a value,for example:
Code:$config['mtn']['i']='#'; //this setting doesn't need a value $config['mtn']['c']='1'; //this setting need how many cols you want