Premium - Streaming & Download Platform With Affiliate Program


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Corporate Membership

Hi WJunction.
We are, one Streaming & Download platform without limits.

  • We offer Unlimited Storage/Traffic.
  • No Premium Needed, Everything is Free.
  • No Download Speed Limits.
  • Legal Adult Content are Allowed.*
  • We Have Affiliate Program. (
  • API Avaliable at

What is the minimum Payout:

- Minimum Payout is just $10 USD.

What is the Earning Rates:
- You can check our rates offer here.

How long do you host my files:
- Files will be deleted after 60 days of inactivity.

Where do you send Payments:
Paypal - MIN $50
Webmoney - MIN $50
Advcash- MIN $10
Bitcoin (BTC)- MIN $10
Tether (USDT - TRC20) - MIN $20

*For adult content you need to turn on button in your personal settings, "Upload Adult Content".

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Payment received: 132.87$ bitcoin but i asked for 137$ why did i receive just 132$??

Hi Josh,
Bitcoin has been pretty volatile recently, and because of that you might have lost some USD value because of the time we sent your payment.
Please kindly check the usd value now since bitcoin is higher than the value we sent the payment at that time.
Not trying to argue with you mate, but I also received my 1st payment before has official thread in here.

Ussually before videohost create thread in here, they had to make some test of all their function and offcourse they have to pay their affiliate.
Maybe enough to deceive people!
Only joshkeif02 is pleased with everything!
Which is registered here 06/10/2019

We're not trying to scam anyone. We had a small glitch between us and our affiliating program on the 24th/25th but it has now been fixed.
If someone thinks they have been affected with this, please PM us your user id and we will sort it out.
Just a reminder earnings can take up to 1 hour to be shown in our affiliating program stats.
Also you cannot expect so see earnings with 1 impression only lol c'mon?

Here's some updates from our service:
- Its now possible to upload subtitles before the video is converted
- Remote download bug fixed for Rapidvideo and Openload.

Any issues or suggestions please let us know.

Best Regards,
MixDrop ( )
if you are not scam why no stats and and payment option helloooo


Stats and payments are shown in our affiliate partner ( ), which you need to join before starting to earn with us.
I've posted details on how to join here ( )
If you are having trouble joining or would like me to look into your account please PM your username.

Would like to remind everyone that we are running with minimum ads/popups and plan on stay like that.
Earnings are shared directly with you from what we earn from our advertisers.

Service Updates:
- We added "verystream" remote download

Best Regards,
MixDrop ( )
I'm trying it but I can not see the statistics, only the amount of downloads (no graphics), I would also like to show the downloads that have been made according to the countries that could be. missing those parts because compared to another server that I have the same file that I uploaded with 3 downloads I have $ 0.004 and with you with 19 downloads (which says that I have) is $ 0.004 and I do not know why, I mean there may be more factors but that's why you need more things in the statistics panel to know why and after there are no confusions
I'm trying it but I can not see the statistics, only the amount of downloads (no graphics), I would also like to show the downloads that have been made according to the countries that could be. missing those parts because compared to another server that I have the same file that I uploaded with 3 downloads I have $ 0.004 and with you with 19 downloads (which says that I have) is $ 0.004 and I do not know why, I mean there may be more factors but that's why you need more things in the statistics panel to know why and after there are no confusions

Currently we only have basic stats as downloads/views and earnings, ASAP we will develop more our affiliate platform in order to have more detailed statistics.

Best Regards,
MixDrop ( )
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I had tried remote upload - It's faster than some filehost. But i need API to upload, create folder, rename file... to start.

We are working on it, be aware.

When I upload a movie, I can't display an embedded link.
Will this be possible later?
Sincerely: Pyt27

After the upload is complete, you can right click ( or click on the 3 dots on the right ) and click "Share" to get the embed code.

Also, the FTP connection does not work.

FTP is working fine on our side. Can you please make sure that you are using port 2280 ( not the default 21 ).
If the problem persists please PM us.