Looking for partners to create the next best social network.

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Hello there, I am trying to recreate the old version of myspace, because that really was the best with improvements. My coding skills are very little & I am looking to partner up with a few developers on creating this right now im using as my platform Dolphin 7.1 which has a similar breakdown I think it might have been the platform myspace actually used.

Anyone up for a challenge & a chance to say hey I made the next best thing.

I know some people might think say nobody would sign up due to all the social network out there already.
There are a huge % of people who hate facebook because its plain white & blue theme which can be a real eye sore for some people including myself, there is a massive amount of people who wish the old way of myspace was back & would switch over immediately if we created such a thing.

I will tell you myself I miss going to my own profile then hear my song play when the page loads
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