Its Streamcloud Paying ? Im waiting 9 months...

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Active Member
Hello, I see some people saying that Streamcloud still paying, but im waiting for about a year to get paid, the minimal resquest quantity.

Someone its getting paid ?

THanks and sorry my english =)
Hello, I see some people saying that Streamcloud still paying, but im waiting for about a year to get paid, the minimal resquest quantity.

Someone its getting paid ?

THanks and sorry my english =)

I've been waiting for more than a year over a 4k payment on Bitcoin, I've taken out all the links of them, which will not pay out unfortunately.

Already scratched 3-4 emails, when it comes to bug report, you get answered, but when it comes to payouts you can forget it.
I've been waiting for more than a year over a 4k payment on Bitcoin, I've taken out all the links of them, which will not pay out unfortunately.

Already scratched 3-4 emails, when it comes to bug report, you get answered, but when it comes to payouts you can forget it.
Hello, thansk for ur answer, i was waiting on Bitcoin too, but now i put PerfectMoney account, but i think u are right :(
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