

Active Member

Dear webmasters and forum members!

We present you a platform -, to which moved our official affiliate programs and

CostAction - a new unified interface for webmasters, which unites all sections of the statistics and earnings, working conditions, and the description of tariff plans and partnership programs of and

Work with files as usual remains the primary domain. So you need upload files \ share link on or, and check statistics and earnings via CostAction.

We offer a wide choice of directions and opportunities to monetize your file traffic, we guarantee stability, high profits and steady growth!

Our main tariffs

Pay per download (PPD - All inclusive) - up to $ 20 per 1000 downloads
- count unique downloads of your account;
- count incomplete download;
- accept traffic from all countries;
- no on the file size restrictions for free downloads.
See rate schedule countries can be on this page (for registred users).

Payment for premium sale (PPS) - 60%of sales, 40% of rebills
- A large number of ways of of accepting payments, and a few merchants for accepting credit cards
- Automatic subscription for credit cards and a variety of mobile subscriptions (sms, wap, internet +, etc.)
- Pay all future rebills without prescription and no matter if user deletes cookies, source file, or other factors.

Payment for downloading and selling both (Mixed) - up to $ 7 per 1,000 downloads + 40% for sale+ 30% for rebill
The ideal option for a new, unexplored traffic. Includes all the benefits of tariff PPD and PPS.

See rate schedule countries can this page (for registered users).

Additional earnings

Referral system (turbobit)
Attract new partners and get a percent of their earnings:
-20% of each involved partner earnings (level 1 referral)
-5% of the earnings of each new partner, attracted by your partner (level 2 referral )

For simplicity, we have prepared a special, bright promo banners (for registered users)!

Sites Referrals
Earn posting turbobit \ hitfile links on your site .
We pay 10% on turbobit and 15% on hitfile, for every sale from your website, blog, forum, no matter of who is the owner of the file.

Loyalty program "Gold Partners" (turbobit)

Increase earnings and bonuses if you are constant and successful partner:
85% of sales for PPS, up to 60% of sales +$ 8.75 per 1000 downloads for Mixed plan and to $ 25 per 1000 downloads for PPD.

Payment for using downloaders (turbobit)
You can set downloading of your files via special program loader.
You will get reward for each installation of the advertising software!

Why is it worth to work with us?

-We have been working for more than 5 years
-Minimum payout is only $ 10
-Stable payments 3 times a week to Webmoney and 1 time per week to Paypal, Payza, Yandex Money and QIWI
-The detailed statistics and convenient interface for working with files
-Large choice of tariff plans with high deductions
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We have some good news for you, our partners!

We added some new filehosting service in the remote upload list yesterday and today you already manage to use all the list of them in your work. You can upload your files from another filehostings services to and

At the moment we have the next list (it’ll expand in the nearest time), of file services where you can use remote upload:

We’ve sorted names alphabetically for your comfort, special for you. Besides of that, we are planning to add some new filehostings to this remote upload list.
Remember, you can always make a request in our support service or use the contact in my signature and we’ll try to help you to resolve your problems, especially which touch remote upload.

We continue to expand our payment system list to get a premium key for increase our sales and for users and partner’s convenience, of course.
At this time we added at and new gateway for card admission.

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how you can have many visitors on a budget hosting ?

Your site pornfactors :
Resource Limit Is Reached
The website is temporarily unable to service your request as it exceeded resource limit. Please try again later
yes, i know this problem, i use 3 website one host 6-8000 daily jetpack views.

I have tried other hosting for only pornfactors, and undergroundprivate. But this low hosting, several times Resource Limit Is Reached

And thinking change the vps, but i dont know make the setup....

The pornfactors 2200-2500 daily jetpack views

I would give tried to increase the updates on the site and improve the comfort of working with the site and would have worked with a traffic on requests for your content.

You need to see the frequency of updates, quality of content, traffic that leads to your site.

Also, there is no any advertising with premium.
Ok, thanks the answer, i trying make banner, but i dont know what links insert to the banner

So i find this,


How to make the banner link for my sale, the" Choose membership type" page

you need to hide there some link to your file for download, so when users will see your banner and click, then see your file they finally see the premium page.

Advantages and disadvantages of this action?

If you allow other users to copy your files, it means that you like owner gets 10% from the sale of each file and he as user who copies your file - from 20% to 60% (it depends on his rate plan).
If you don't allow other users to copy your files, it means that they can't steal your files without your permission and you'll get from 20% to 60% from every sale (it depends on your rate plan) and they wouldn't get anything.
If you allow other users to copy your files, it means that you like owner gets 10% from the sale of each file and he as user who copies your file - from 20% to 60% (it depends on his rate plan).
If you don't allow other users to copy your files, it means that they can't steal your files without your permission and you'll get from 20% to 60% from every sale (it depends on your rate plan) and they wouldn't get anything.

Ok, Thanks very much :D
Which content are more profitable on the

Most recently, we published the infographics about the most popular and profitable partner’s sites which link to Turbobit’s files. We did a detailed analysis and had published it there with a previous infographics.
This time, we did e the same detailed analysis, but for our second project - We also carefully made this analysis for you and have tried to make you see all results here above. We've analyzed the number of premium-keys which gathered from more than 3 000 sites from the period of 2017 year to the first half of 2018 year.

Which content are more profitable on
Instead of, adalt is ranked the first on with 46,48%. Which is about 50% of all purchases made on our file hosting! The second place goes to literature (magazines, educational literature, books, etc.) – 27, 70%. And it is quite a lot! Yes, yes, there are still someone who earns good money with the sales from the books, because the most important thing for your content is relevance and uniqueness of your content. On the third place of our rating is design (graphics, photoshop’s plugins, etc.) - 25,70%. Music comes on the fourth place in a big distant – 4,41% (even if it is on the first on!), the next one is the Others category - 3,77%, cinema is just 1,08%, games - 0,56% and Софт - 0,30% in the end.
Note: We didn’t count purchases from different pass-through sites.

From which countries mostly users make a pushes?
In this case we also published the “10 top countries who bought our premium keys”. The number one in the rating is USA, of course. Also, there are many premium- keys from Germany and other European countries. The buys come from Russia, Ukraine, Japan too. Even Brazil is in our rating “top 10”, where users used to buy pemium-keys.

How can I use this information at work?
An experienced webmaster use this analysis in his work to expand the geography of his content distribution or choose another topic for posting. So, we offer you 2 infographics you can choose, for example, to post adult or literature on and Music on Or if you ever think why I have less purchases on from adult than Or why you haven’t any sales on music content from – you need to change your links. By the way, you can automatically receive the links to posting for the both services no matter where you upload your files immediately. It should be noted that this infographics will be useful for newbies too. If you are searching some filehosting for adult and will choose – you are on the right track. If you have your own site and you just create one of them, you can put in the features – “premium only” for all your files or just for some of them.

Note: You can always ask me freely about actual allowed list of sites and forums exactly for your type of content to extend your list of post sources therefore increase your profit.:beers:

For all the questions that you have, please, use the contacts below!
Have a nice day!

By popular demand of our partners we’ve opened 2 new payments for withdrawal.
Since today, you can make a request to Capitalist and Epayments. Minimum payout amount is still 10$. The payout fee for Epayments is 0% and for Capitalist – 3%.
Pay attention, after purse change, you're able to send a new request for payment only after 10 days.
We make payments by Epayments and Capitalist 1 time a week.