HighStream - Video Service Official Support

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I wrote an e-mail, but I get no answer for a few days.

I have just tested your API, and always get this output when I want to upload: "0: 0: 0: You are not allowed to upload files”

Output: <HTML> <BODY> <Form name = 'F1' action = 'https: //clipwatching.com/'; target = '_ parent' method = 'POST'> <textarea name = "op"> upload_result </ textarea> < textarea name = "fn"> upload_testfile.mp4 </ textarea> <textarea name = "st"> 0: 0: 0: You are not allowed to upload files </ textarea> </ Form> <Script> document.location = 'javascript: false; document.F1.submit (); </ script> </ BODY> </ HTML>

I've only successfully uploaded the upload server Url with: https://clipwatching.com/api/upload/server?key=xxxxxx
And then the upload done quite normally with the post parameter for the API key “api_key”.

I know many other hosters, who use the same script, and also the same API link: "https://xvs.docs.apiary.io/";, there the upload works without problems, if you could look at it ,
Error 504 Ray ID: 53122aa94bc0e960 • 2019-11-05 22:11:59 UTC
Gateway time-out

Greetings, the site is running slowly and throwing multiple 500 errors
Error 504 Ray ID: 5312c9ff5f2aad4e • 2019-11-06 00:00:46 UTC
Every day is, always at night, I think I will request my payment and change Host impossible to use this server.

Error 504 Ray ID: 5313a0fccc73c89b • 2019-11-06 02:27:32 UTC
Gateway time-out

Problem is on embeds , optimized embeds i hope working better tonight.
@KatFile my acc still ok on 18 december is ok premium :( I do not understand your answer .... I wrote that my upload file does not work ... my premium lasts until 18 dec :) still my upload file does not work all day today http://prntscr.com/ptg7pd stuck on 100 since nothing happens :( no video nothing :( simply moving day does not upload file ... all day i have 500 error :( today i can do absolutely nothing :( thos days lost lot my wiwers :( you can see statisttik :9 this mons is so bad :( http://prntscr.com/ptg8mr
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