HighStream - Video Service Official Support

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Here is estream stats for my visits :
Estream is 7$per 10 k
34 / $0.03450
Clipwatching is 20$per 10k
34 / $0.02500
Shaving mode on hard?
Can you explain this ?
By the way, i got 125 visitors yesterday and i earn about 0,10$. The most visitors comming from Serbia, which has PLAN C (20$ per 10k views) and all videos are about 40 min lenght. How's that possible? There's something wrong... :unsure:
Hey, I just saw that one of my referrals bought a premium account but was not counted in reports... Premium sales are worth of something?
Method of payment is only bitcoin now?

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Please bring back PayPal as a payment method. Thanks.

Added after 1 Day 16 Hours:

I have problems with 'Security lock'. After clicking on 'Disable', nothing's happening. Please fix that. Thanks.
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[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]Ok. Thansk for the answer and please, if you can, keep PayPal as a payment method.
I have just one more question. I have problem with 'Security lock'. After clicking on 'Disable', nothing's happening. I can't turn it off. Please help me or fix that bug. Thanks a lot again.[/FONT]

Added after 6 Days:

Can u fix 'Security lock - Disable' option? It's not working...
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