Premium - Streaming & Download Platform With Affiliate Program


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Corporate Membership

Hi WJunction.
We are, one Streaming & Download platform without limits.

  • We offer Unlimited Storage/Traffic.
  • No Premium Needed, Everything is Free.
  • No Download Speed Limits.
  • Legal Adult Content are Allowed.*
  • We Have Affiliate Program. (
  • API Avaliable at

What is the minimum Payout:

- Minimum Payout is just $10 USD.

What is the Earning Rates:
- You can check our rates offer here.

How long do you host my files:
- Files will be deleted after 60 days of inactivity.

Where do you send Payments:
Paypal - MIN $50
Webmoney - MIN $50
Advcash- MIN $10
Bitcoin (BTC)- MIN $10
Tether (USDT - TRC20) - MIN $20

*For adult content you need to turn on button in your personal settings, "Upload Adult Content".

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Just signed up and uploading all my stuff, this host seems nice! Hope to get along well

Suggestion: you could add the option to select multiple files by clicking the first and the last file holding shift button

We've implemented this function, you can now select/deselect a series of items by holding down shift and clicking a checkbox below or above.
Thank you for your suggestion.
Hi there @MixDrop
Just few quick questions,
  • Are the payments per TIER updated? (in the first post)
  • Whats the min. view % of the video?
  • How many counts per IP? (If someone watches 5 of my videos how much views it'll be counted?)
  • Am I already enrolled for affiliate program when I register?
Hi there @MixDrop
Just few quick questions,
  • Are the payments per TIER updated? (in the first post)
  • Whats the min. view % of the video?
  • How many counts per IP? (If someone watches 5 of my videos how much views it'll be counted?)
  • Am I already enrolled for affiliate program when I register?


- Rewards arent counted strictly per view. Its depending on the conversion of advertisements on player ADS, this means that rates are just an example of the potential of each country, each user earnings depending on the quality of their traffic, can reach higher or lower values, our affiliate program is 100% fair.

- No minimum view %, when user click on play view is counted and earnings also.

- Look at our second post, you have all information how to start with affiliate program ( )

If you have any questions feel free to contact us.

Best regards,

MixDrop (
It's difficult to use your site. When I remotes file and it's error. I cannot delete it. There are no options for that. It's terrible.


Our technical team has informed us that it is possible to delete the remote upload list.

Below is an example image:


I tried your service, why can't I download the files with download managers ? Whenever I tried to download through my download manager, it returns an error.

Just so that you know, all the dedicated users use download managers, although a good service but useless without it.

I tried your service, why can't I download the files with download managers ? Whenever I tried to download through my download manager, it returns an error.

Just so that you know, all the dedicated users use download managers, although a good service but useless without it.

We have added support for download managers, please let us know if it is working for you.