
Active Member
Hi ! Wjuncion #Members

We are glad to announce our free file hosting & sharing service, which concentrates on quality service not on making money by putting annoying ads on the site.

What differentiates from other file hosting services?

  • We Focus on quality not on making money only. That is why UsersDrive does not serve harsh/annoying ads that disturb the user experience.
  • Our servers are blazingly fast, which means faster uploads & downloads with unlimited bandwidth + 100 % Uptime is ensured.
  • We do not delete files without any reason unless there is a legit DMCA / Copyright complaint.
  • We are flexible with our clients totally co-operative. (if you have any issue regarding rates, etc you can contact us anytime you want).
  • We are giving the highest PPD rates, in the market, because our aim is to grow together.
  • Your files are totally safe with us. Because files are stored using military-grade AES-256 encryption.
  • We provide a free premium account for 1 year if you have a decent amount of traffic. (You can let us know via FB page or you can contact us via email for that).
  • 200 GB of free space is provided. (which can be expanded for free on request)

We are not new in the market, its been almost 4 years & people are loving our service.
#Current Global Alexa rank = 5K

We are trying our best to make this service better day by day, we are open to suggestions & your feedback is valuable to us.

Contact us at (for more info)

You can view the below-provided images for payout proof etc.


Team UsersDrive !


POLICY & Rates / TIER DETAILS : Page Link -

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I've registered an account. Noticed that you only offer 195 GB.
Is it possible to add more space without getting a premium?
I probably fill up that 195 GB in few days.


I've registered an account. Noticed that you only offer 195 GB.
Is it possible to add more space without getting a premium?
I probably fill up that 195 GB in few days.


If you have good amount of traffic we can activate 1 year premium subscription for free, coming to your question yes we can uplift the limit without activating premium subscription just let us know your username :)
