Rapidgator Discussion thread

Man i see you post on sanet, this sales are from it or you post on another websites?
I am sorry for late

I don't post in anyone's site
I post in my own site ,I created it few years ago and now it's rank in usa is 4500 and uk is 1500

it's a tech-running site

last week was boring , but sales started again specially last 2 days

I am dying to see which site's sales is highest [in file sharing business]
avax sanet ...rlsbb rapidmoviez
I heard from jonnie , owner of nitro that avax's sales was highest , about 2 years ago but not anymore
sanet also can't generate above 5-6k based-on my own calculations

rlsbb shares his sales with commentors
rapidmoviez has some issues these years
Avx was number one but not anymore.
Rlsbb have amazing sales and I have profs for that :)

if there is no problem for you what is the site name? i posted warez and want to increase my earn :D

Its my site and I use script to post on it, so no human needed.
I said rlsbb shares their sales with commentors
they are most known site even I can say EVER

but if we take the amount of sales for ONE individual ,as our benchmark , I don't think one person in rlsbb can become number 1 of sales

also avax's owner gets 50% sales , even tho , avax is not that avax anymore and they don't have those kinda sales
scene source never had big sales , sceper and many others are gone , 2ddl , naahhh
rlslog was legend
I said rlsbb shares their sales with commentors
they are most known site even I can say EVER

but if we take the amount of sales for ONE individual ,as our benchmark , I don't think one person in rlsbb can become number 1 of sales

also avax's owner gets 50% sales , even tho , avax is not that avax anymore and they don't have those kinda sales
scene source never had big sales , sceper and many others are gone , 2ddl , naahhh
rlslog was legend

You sound like a jealous guy to me
about sales:
there is no cheating
sales stopped
and it decreased about 50% even more in biggest sites

my own sales Deceased too [I have 250k Uniq ip/day]
among them uploadgig is the worst which it's sales is 30% of usual days
Rg and Nitro and turbobit too , all of their sales decreased
You cant download same stuff from 3 sites.. since i use NF & RG, NF donwloads 0 on those, RG downloaded only part2 or part3.. Also I split the files so there is not a possibility for someone to download other parts that would work..
Somethings going on but...
Find same content on other filehosts so they download at same time 3 parts for free.
You cant download same stuff from 3 sites.. since i use NF & RG, NF donwloads 0 on those, RG downloaded only part2 or part3.. Also I split the files so there is not a possibility for someone to download other parts that would work..
Somethings going on but...

They actually download the other parts, but rapidgator only count ONE DOWNLOAD, PER DAY, PER ACCOUNT
I think it's because of Pay Per Download plan
it's not like that. Warez sales are low because they can wait for free download. But porn you can't wait! You can't stop your nature. :grin:
i wonder how porn uploaders present their posts with download link?
like they share title, thumbnail, some text info and download link, thats it right? and thats men's nature they quickly purchase premium?
They actually download the other parts, but rapidgator only count ONE DOWNLOAD, PER DAY, PER ACCOUNT
I think it's because of Pay Per Download plan
Yea but downloads should be counted. Also in my files those files have 0, while some part have 1 download... Because if you go on My stats, you see you have example 120 downloads, then go to My profile, you probably have different number because of that rule..