Create a warez website

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Hi guys, I want to create a warez website and I was wondering about tips and techniques for that. The idea is that you can share your technique or tutorial on the internet about how to create a warez website and avoid things like the DMCA, FBI knocking on your door, hosting, domain registering, services to receive payments and things like that (bonus on tips for doing that without much money).

Thank you all.
I can understand totally what you are looking for, but tell me how can help you guys here, which have more then 10/15 years experience in just one post?
I'm not asking for a complete book about their warez life, just tips and things like that. I'm a web developer and I also have 12 years of experience in the area and if someone asks for me tips and things about how to start it wouldn't be hard for me to give some advice.
I really don't understand your point.
Avoiding DMCA is very hard. For myself I am using namecheap for domain and host and response to all DMCA e-mails.
Also you want to start a warez-forum or a warez-blog?
For receiving payments Webmoney/Bitcoin.
I'm starting to search for techniques in order to minimize the DMCA bots and taking down, like using a custom created service on my server to auto reupload the files and stuff like that.
It's a blog/portal kind of website, I'm not going to use a service like WordPress or anything like that, I'm probably going to code myself the application and create a kind of back-end API to manage on my computer through a VPN or Tor, this way it's better for avoiding hacking and things like that. Even tho WordPress is open source it's also easier to have 0day exploits and things like that, so it's totally hackable, not that my solution isn't, but I can control more than in WordPress that is something that depends a lot on 3rdparty addons and themes.
About Webmoney, is it possible to create an account without my personal information?
How to do control your website? Do you use a kind of VPN or Tor or something like that or you don't bother with that much?

for portal script use datalife script and use for servers Russian & Switzerland provider they not care about Copyrights but dont use any child adults your server will shutdown and deleted

for domain : they are very good

for portal script use datalife script and use for servers Russian & Switzerland provider they not care about Copyrights but dont use any child adults your server will shutdown and deleted

for domain : they are very good

I would not recommend (bs stands for bullshit) Year or two ago I have registered domain with the and I even did not managed to use it because they are blocked my account before that based only on name that I wanted to use (roylwarez) and they did not want to return money and even did not answer on my questions. So if they does not allow that kind of names-websites why are they sell them.

My recommendation i Namesilo
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