Imagetwist- Oldest and #1 paying image host.


Active Member
Corporate Membership

Most of you already know about us. We have been going on/off on wjunction from quite a while now due to some problems but now everything is solved and now let me help you guys make some money ;)

I'd like to mention some updates which took place in recent months:-

  • We now pay via bitcoin and paypal
  • We pay higher than before for all tiers
  • We have recently done a total makeover and improved our UI
  • We reduced our ads (even before we had less ads)
  • We now pay faster - bitcoin payouts are everyday and skrill wait period is decreased to 5-7 days from 30 days.
  • We do bonus weeks time to time and give bonuses to our users.
  • We are over skype, Livechat, email, icq to help you anytime.
  • We have API
  • We have Vbulletin mod for webmasters and they can earn alot with it.

You can find about our reward program details here: ImageTwist - Free Image Hosting, Photo sharing & Earn Money

I would like to take this opportunity and announce EXCLUSIVELY first on Wjunction that we are again back with our $1000 Contest. Details about this content will be given to every members within 24 hours in this thread. Banners are ready too!

Our $1000 contest is Back!!! And you can now apply for it. Read details here.

If you need details about our program, You can visit : ( i cannot post links due to low no. of post, just visit our website )

If you have any issue/anger/complaint/feedback or even love for us, you can contact here or my email directly at hp at ( replace at with @) ;)

Don't forget to give your feedback about our new looks!.
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@DatGuyDenz You are the IT inspiration team :D

:) Well, I'm just one honest person on this dang Internet :D

I was about to post my successful story, new and another one about ImageTwist.
What is possible with just little effort after you set up everything you need.
But god damn Internet and life have some other plans which you never know are going to come and when they are about to happen

But, I will share my story anyway, soon, here...
Get ready for little inspiration ;)

Payment received on PayPal, but, there is a problem...

We’re taking a closer look at this payment. It’s required for some payments and normally takes up to 24 hours. Don’t ship until we tell you it’s ok.

What can I do in this situation?
Just wait... or?

It's not first payment I have received, it is from IT but it's comming from "Unverified Customer" how damn PayPal says.
As soon as you get $150+ payment they are taking "closer look".

What are my options here?


Payment Details:

Amount: $159.00 USD

Payment Review Outcome: Cleared, OK to Ship.

So, after 24 hours after I received payment, PayPal decided to take that money on hold for 24 hours.
To be honest, I was little bit sceptic about this one, I was not believing they'll clear it out in my favour.
Anyway, for everyone else, if you sometimes have this problem with PayPal payment from ImageTwist, don't panic, just wait for 24 hours (few hours up/down), don't even try to contact someone from PayPal about this, everything is going to be ok.

Thank you ImageTwist!
Was waiting for this payment, finaly is here and now I can start working on my own project, of course with ImageTwist.
See ya'll around! ( :
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banned on eroticity also!

Does anyone from imagetwist reply here anymore? Not since Jan. 19. Please advise.
I see pornsavant, eroticity and vipergirls have banned all affiliate image hosts, so that answers that.

some of the new urls, like imagexport work on EC, at least 'till they figure out it is really imagetwist...

Correction, the new domains do not work on EC,PS,VG, imagetwist url is still in the thumb.
Again, is anyone from imagetwist still here?
imagetwist must talk to that forum admins to accept IT or else one by one forum will banning IT
IT staff Please take this issue serious vipergilrs is good traffic forum dont lose it
eroticity pornsavant claims IT keeping fake malware ads yes even i also checked please remove that ads
Hey guys,

Sorry, i don't usually find time to post here but i am always active on emails and offline msgs you guys send us. Anyway about your query -

We will not talk to forum like : vipergirls, erocity or pornsavant or any sisterforum related to them for following reasons:-

1) Owner is a clown and i don't take him seriously at all, anymore.

2) They change rule more quicker then weather in our country.

3) We never asked him to un-ban imagetwist last time, he bans it then unbans it and then bans it again. Like a clown!

4) We have 2 ads and both are adult cams directly by company itself. Idk why that clown thinks we serve malware. We are already waiting for google to review our ads and i am pretty much sure we'll get whitelisted or we'll find a way to get whitelisted. Non of the ads will be removed and it will stay the way it is.

5) All these 3-4 forums you guys mentioning above are same or same guys running it or same owners. Giving different/stupid reasons to ban does not make them look diff. I know they are same.

6) Anyway these forums are clubhouse for pedo's. we on an average ban 5-10 users everyday for uploading jailbait content and most of them post on these 3 forums. Its actually good for us that they stopped using imagetwist.

His ban does not mean anything to us and it will not affect us in anyway as he ban/unban host everyday. There are endless forums to post on web and imagetwist is allowed and will remain allowed on all of them cause they are our serious partner(s).

Anyone who thinks Imagetwist will shutdown is daydreaming, we are here to stay ;)

Thank you.
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Please give a list of those "endless forums" where we can earn as well as we did on vipergirls? I'll gladly give it a shot. They were together with planetsuzy by far my best imagetwist earners.

And serious partner(s)? Are you saying you are paying forums to have your host allowed there and thus are directly responsible for the banning of many other affiliate image hosts on forums like PlanetSuzy? How mature of you to eliminate competition that way... You're having monopolistic tendencies and to put it mildly, are clearly not a nice guy.

Finally, how nice of you to call everyone posting on these forums pedophiles. Thank you!

Almost all popular adult forums allow Imagetwist, i don't have any list prepared but most of the popular forums you know about allow imagetwist. Or you can always google about forums and check there allowed host rules. Except phun since they don't allow any affiliate image host from day1. We tried alot to allow imagetwist but its there policy.

There is no need to assume and make stories out of anything which i never said. If we were paying boards to exclude competition we would be not paying more price then them to our affiliates. So, whatever you said is just bullshit and does not make sence. But yes, you gave me a good idea that we should review our tier prices now.

Anyway, From serious partner i meant- Most of the board owners are connected to me over skype/email. If they have a problem with any user or any of our ad, they communicate with us and we solve this issue by fixing it. But this clown is on different level and he does not believe in discussion. He address the issue by banning and unbaning a host and replies to messages when his "mood is good" (randomly).

We approach many forums for example- phun, it does not matter if they allowed or not but atleast they were communicating but this clown is on different level like i said.

You assume stuff alot, Did i called you or everyone pedo ? Read again what i said. I Clearly said 5-10 users on an average we ban daily for posting jailbait content and most of those 5-10 users post on vipergirls & sisterforums. Even a single jailbat image on our server among billion images is pain in ass for us. It might be legal in your country but its not in our country.

We will not talk to them, If he'll need to unban, he'll do on his own. This is end from my side and i won't be replying here anymore regarding this topic.
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It's true, I still have over 10 forums to post on, many more, but I've narrowed it down to 10-12 best and focus my time on those.
I have not noticed any significant drop in earnings since VG and EC. No doubt the same surfers visit most of the same big forums, so it was just dupe views anyway.

For those few who don't already use them, my current fave forums are planetsuzy, fritchy, kitty-kats, pornbb, forumophilia, glam0ur dot net, babeunion, adultforum, intporn, wickedforum. Others maybe depending on your niche, like famousboard for celeb images.
Oh Boi where should I start from ( :

ImageTwist... just beautiful memory with this site and I would like to write my own opinion on the site, the owner and everything else.
Perhaps it may help to all this new people starting with IT.

This is something like testimonial, it seems to me that I owe that to this site/owner/people, and after so many payments when I see that someone complains that he got no money I got to get into the story, so that people know that they are dealing with a legitimate man!

In 2 weeks will be 6 years since I opened an account on IT (ImageTwist). Never had 1 problem with anyone or anything at IT!
I've been all around Internet doing crazy things, investing, selling, working for some companies, but my biggest mistake is that I stop working with images, from time to time I was back but as soon as I hit that $10/$15/$20+day I would stop... Big Mistake!

But, let's start from the first days with IT with all the images...

First of all, I use to jump from site to site back in a days, I wanted to earn something to invest in something else as I did not have any money.
If you are in that position today, STOP IT! You have IT legit site, work hard and you will succeed at anything you want!
I was working hard, was mad on my "sponsor" as he didn't want to tell me some tricks on "how to earn with damn images" LOL.
I use to work 16 to 20 hours a day, I was able to see that IT is the best solution to earn something from nothing!
And bang, few days later, my first $1 ever :D then $5 then $10 and then $20+ (back in 2012 it use to be $2/1,000 UQ)
Take a look ....


My first few days, it was hard, I didnt know nothing! I was going all around forum crying like a baby LOL
Just because no one wanted to help me. Later, I said big thank you to all that people, why?
Simply because you need to learn on your own, you need to create your own unique method!
And that's exactly what I did... But, it took me some time to do that tbh.


First time I was over $2, $3, $4, $5, $6 and $7 was max.
I remember how happy I was, when you get something back for all that hard work.
Now, my mistake was, I didnt open some site back in a days, stupid mistake, even today I feel bad for that mistake. When you have your website with IT, that's a different level!
I was using blogger/blogspot, but they could just turn down everything, and shit use to happen.

Anyway, this is when I cross over $10 and later even $16/day


And guess what? I was stupid to not continue working, as with my method it use to look something like this...
Work 3 days hard, earn $15/day lets say and than in next 10 days do nothing and still earn that small passive income, as you can see it wasnt much but hey, still it's $10 here and $5 there for couple days when I didnt work.


And again, as soon as I hit some "big" number, $10/$15/$20 I use to stop working!



Anyway, back in 2012 in february I got a full time paid job online, and this is the main reason I believe I wasnt so consistent with IT, and it was stupid mistake from my side.


Ok, what's my point here...?

It's not about money, it's not about nothing else that I'm here today and I am typing all this...
I want you all to know that, making money online is not a problem today, making good choice is something you need to learn, educate yourself and so on.
You may have 1,000+ good choices and just one bad, yuo're done, gone!
It happen to me, but that is a long story ...

Look at money as a motivation, let that money motivate you! $0,01 a day? Find a way so that even 1 cent can motivate you!

Nowadays you really can not find good cool place to earn money without damn money/investment, so stop crying around about ImageTwist and do your own homework, work hard until you hit your goals!

I really can not believe that people are still like IT is scam or whateva, I havent receive my payment for 3 days, 1 day, a week...?
When you post that on forum, that shit will stay there for life! You don't care to go back and delete that, guess how many people saw that and decided to not work with IT!?

Be the smart one...

I'm typing all this as I know how many people are out there without money, and even $50/month would mean world for them, but they dont wanna work ffs!

Check this out, I really dont want to put this on others but... Another reason why I stopped working is other people/referrals...

I have 191 damn referrals, active? NONE!

Last year, or 2 years ago, in just 1 or 2 day almost 100 of them signed under me, and I gave them the most detailed ebook with my own methods, on forum, when you open that ebook it crearly says...

DO NOT USE BOTS and I use to repeat that shit all the time, but hey, I need money but I really wont work for them, I want my BOT to make me money, THAT SHIT WONT HAPPEN!

I guess maybe 10% was trying to use my ebook to create their own weapon, but after 10 days, max 1 month they all failed.
Why? Well, when you have a chance to earn something without investing your own money, ffs at least respect that site, it's giving you a chance to create something from nothing.

That shit took from me soooo much energy every single day, explain this, talk with people on Skype all day long, helping etc for few weeks.

Anyway I am thankful for IT and owner, it all started from there for me but my mistake was as I said, not investing money from IT in adult sites... (facepalm)

And about payments, I got 45+ of them and now I'm back with IT again.



If I can help with this post just one man/woman out of 1,000's of ya'll, I'll be thankful.
Never stop dreaming, dream big...!
Wish ya'll the best!

Not sure how i missed this post. Just amazing and thank you for your kind words. Love to have users like this. We time to time receive success stories like this where users share how they bought stuff for there living from earning's from imagetwist or how it helped them pay their fees/bills etc. It encourages us to do more and we'll keep on doing this ;)