Recent content by inject0r

  1. I - PPD (30 EUR) & PPS (60% inital sale /50% rebill)

    so shitty. Bitcoin payment is not working since almost 2 weeks. very disappointing to say at least.
  2. I - Discussion Thread.

    anyone else getting terrible up speeds from FR using zoom? like 7-8 mb/s is just not acceptable. cheers
  3. I Discussion Thread - Post your discussions related to OBOOM here.

    oboom is crap , was always a fact that it would turn out this way nobs :d
  4. I Discussion Thread - Post your discussions related to OBOOM here.

    XDDD Rest in pepperino Uploaded cloudzer team fake .D
  5. I


    linkcrypt is on a shitty server, its most of the time down or not reachable
  6. I

    Using SSD drives does it really improves Speed?

    no it doesnt don't need a SSD on a VPS because all are overfilled and it won't do much..sometimes they even write its a ssd and fake the HW info and just use cached :D
  7. I

    FileOM/Xerver...what we do now??

    so hows the shitty host going .D my dear uploaders
  8. I - PPD (30 EUR) & PPS (60% inital sale /50% rebill)

    UL still best host and will it always best, fuck the rest came back, uploaded some stuff and earnt big moneh $$ always the same with ul, dno why u complaining
  9. I

    Filefactory Discussion Thread - Post your discussions related to Filefactory here.

    shaddup and speak inglado @ crnitomo : its not like this host exists since 4 years and since 3 years we know they bann warez uplaoders
  10. I

    FileStorm Discussion thread

    they are buying some vodka with that 10usd
  11. I

    FileOM/Xerver...what we do now??

    Lel, hilarious how all noobs fall again for that crap :D
  12. I

    Rapidgator Discussion thread

    of course they delete ur shit obviously you: * had no downloads * somebody hates you * rg is bored and needs space * god was mad several reasons