We accept uploader for Anime/Hentai Site

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[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]Hello friends[/FONT]

[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]we accept some uploaders who do uploading regularly and professional

1- is a site where it is published anime in broadcast and finished, also hentai, doujishins, mangas, and hentai games

2- Allowed link shorteners / Allowed any download and streaming host

3- can publish in the language they want, mainly English, Spanish, Japanese.

4- the interested ones will be added to a page of facebook with 4000 followers so that they share their post

If you are interested in upload on our website hit me up​


[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]Hello friends[/FONT]

[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]we accept some uploaders who do uploading regularly and professional

1- is a site where it is published anime in broadcast and finished, also hentai, doujishins, mangas, and hentai games

2- Allowed link shorteners / Allowed any download and streaming host

3- can publish in the language they want, mainly English, Spanish, Japanese.

4- the interested ones will be added to a page of facebook with 4000 followers so that they share their post

If you are interested in upload on our website hit me up​

[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]Hello friends[/FONT]

[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]we accept some uploaders who do uploading regularly and professional

1- is a site where it is published anime in broadcast and finished, also hentai, doujishins, mangas, and hentai games

2- Allowed link shorteners / Allowed any download and streaming host

3- can publish in the language they want, mainly English, Spanish, Japanese.

4- the interested ones will be added to a page of facebook with 4000 followers so that they share their post

If you are interested in upload on our website hit me up​

Hi,please add me too
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